Series: Mark VI
Title : IS200TRLYH2C – Relay Output with Coil Sensing Terminal Board
Product Description:
- IS200TRLYH2C is a Relay Output with Coil Sensing Terminal Board and it’s a part of Mark VI Series.
- The normal TRLYH1B board is identical to this relay output board with the following exceptions:
- There were a total of six jumpers for changing solenoid outputs to dry contacts.
- On the twelve relays, there is no input relay coil monitoring. However,
- Each of the twelve relays now has relay contact voltage monitoring. By removing the jumper switch that corresponds to it, you can isolate each of these monitoring circuits.
- The NO and SOL terminals of circuits 1-6 (solenoid driver circuits) and 12 (output) have high-frequency snubbers fitted across them.
- There are twelve magnetic plug-in relays on the IS200TRLYH2C.
- The two terminal blocks on the board are next to the relays. Each of these may take twelve two-wire inputs.
- When maintenance is required, terminal blocks can be unplugged from the board. A shield bar is put on the IS200TRLYH2C to the left of the terminal blocks.
- Fuse, metal oxide varistors, resistors, capacitors, jumpers, and others are also present on the IS200TRLYH2C.
- The board contains four female plug connectors and four female cable connectors (JA1, JR1, JS1, and JT1).
The Phoenix Controls have the best prices on the Refurbished and Unused Mark VI IS200TRLYH2C Relay Output with Coil Sensing Terminal Board. Browse more of our GE Speedtronic, GE Excitation, GE LCI, Woodward and Bently Nevada Turbine Spares Inventory or contact us at [email protected] for a quote.
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